Amazing Charts Release Notes - Version 12.0.1

Highlighted Enhancements, Bug Fixes, Known Issues - Outstanding Defects

Highlighted Enhancements 

Open Text - EMR Link Electronic Orders

Amazing Charts and Open Text partnership provides electronic integration for orders and results between Amazing Charts and the laboratories and imaging centers their care providers use.

The Open Text EMR-Link platform is embedded into the Amazing Charts ordering workflow, creating clean and complete orders that conform to the lab’s ordering requirements. Orders are electronically routed to the correct lab, containing the complete insurance and clinical information required by that lab. This integrated solution reduces data entry, errors, and callbacks — providing faster, more accurate results, and saving time and money for practices and labs alike.

Open Text EMR-Link Interface Option AC-15550


Electronic Orders UI Changes AC-12940
If the Open Text Interface is active you will see a new button on the Lab and Imaging Tabs for Electronic Orders.

If you typically send orders to support staff for processing they are able to complete the orders in Open Text EMR-link by clicking the Electronic Order button from the View Orders window.

Clicking the Electronic Order button will open the Open Text EMR-link window where you can review the order prior to sending it electronically to the lab facility.


Electronic Order Messages AC-12946
Similar to other Lab interfaces, you will receive an inbox message when results become available.


Electronic Orders Admin AC-13235
If you add a new Lab order in Amazing Charts you will also need to add the order to Open Text EMR link Compendia.
Click the eOrder Administration button to access Open Text EMR-link where you can map the new order from Amazing Chart the specific lab compendia.


Corrected Defects 


  1. AC-15613 Notes to pharmacy being sent when not included with current script
  2. AC- 15622 Cannot Transmit Erx: Patient's Fax must consist of letters, numbers, or the characters '().,#;/-@+%
  3. AC-15767 Adding or Removing a Med from the enlarge textbox screen does not populate info in the plan
  4. AC-15828 CPT codes are duplicated in top ten window
  5. AC-15860 Print Preview a Controlled Med will prohibit its ability to transmit
  6. AC-15898 Top CPT Codes wiped out after version upgrade/Does not Update CPT usage count
  7. AC-15931 Printing 2 meds at once causes plan to not update and med not saved to the active med list.

Known Issues 

These are known defects that are recognized and are being resolved in a future version of Amazing Charts.

Reported In Version

AC Ticket

AC Feature


Correction Planned for Version


AC-15522 Immunization Interface Monitor -Immunizations Not Updating 12.2
11.4 AC-15668 Printing Unable to print Formal Health Record - Large Amount of Inactive Meds 12.2
11.3 AC-15718 Invoice AC Daily Invoice reading Assessment text as ICD code 12.2
12.0 AC-15999 ePrescribing EPCS - Same Effective Date being sent for Same Med 90 day supply 12.3
12.0 AC-16043 Most Recent Encounter From MRE orders are only displaying first 2 dx on the assessment 12.2