Amazing Charts Release Notes - Version 12.2

Highlighted Enhancements, Corrected Defects, and Known Issues

Highlighted Enhancements 

Decision Support Intervention

170.315(b)(11) Decision support interventions (DSI)

Building upon the requirements outlined CDS criterion in § 170.315(a)(9), a Certified Health IT Module certifying to the DSI criterion must: 

  • Enable end users to provide electronic feedback based on information displayed and make available such feedback data for export.
  • Enable a user to review plan language descriptions of source attribute information.

AC-16012 Display DSI Source Attributes (aka HM Rule Conditions)

Click the More Info button to access additional source attributes.


AC-16013 Enable Predictive Decision Support Intervention

Click the check box to enable Decision Support with a 3rd party application.


AC-16014 Display Decision Support Intervention Application link

If Decision Support Intervention application is enabled and FHIR server is configured for a 3rd party vendor, a link will appear to allow you access to the application from the Amazing Charts Decision Support window.


AC-15589 Allow user to provide feedback on Decision Support Rules

By clicking the Feedback button, comments about the rule can be entered and will be available for reporting via Administrative options.


AC-15817 Display Additional Conditions

New conditions are available for use when creating Decision Support rules.

Pronouns, Language, Procedures, Medical Device UID


AC-15913 Generate a Decision Support Feedback Report

Navigate to Import/Export in Administrative Options. Click the DSI Export Button. You can run a query for All Rules or pick a specific rule.

You export the report. It will export as a .cvs file and include the following details:

Date, Decision Support Intervention, Feedback, Location, Action User



AC-12714 Reports with grey heading areas don't fax
AC-16021 CDC Immunization URL update in the Decision Support
AC-15793 Export Practice Scheduling Location to Outbound SIU HL7
AC-15855 Add Location ID field
AC-15867 Display Pronouns - Patient Demographics
AC-15878 Require Insurance ID Field – PGM Interface only
AC-15879 Require Guarantor Address – PGM Interface only
AC-15888 Require Insurance Plan Address – PGM Interface only
AC-15880 Remove Default Location and display Default Location Description
AC-15939 Display number of days since last prescription.
AC-16027 Prescription Format request for the State of Alabama
AC-16052 Disable CCM Real-time Benefits User Preferences
AC-15831 InteliChart - Interface Option – reserved for future use
AC-15874 Imported Item New Category – Intake – reserved for future use
AC-15830 Patient Intake - Practice Preference Message Demographic Updates – reserved for future use


AC-15806 Practice Preference - Message Types
There are new Practice Preferences for message types.
Appointment Request, Intake and Intake Patient Requests are for future use.


Corrected Defects 


AC-15522 Interface Monitor -Immunizations Not Updating
AC-15668 Unable to print Formal Health Record - Large Amount of Inactive Meds
AC-15718 AC Daily Invoice reading Assessment text as ICD code
AC-15938 Rebooting PC during manual lab import causes files to be deleted
AC-16043 From MRE orders are only displaying first 2 dx on the assessment


Known Issues 

These are known defects that are recognized and are being resolved in a future version of Amazing Charts. 

Reported in Version AC Ticket AC Feature Description Correction planned for version
12.0 AC - 15999 ePrescribing EPCS - Same Effective Date being sent for Same Med 90 day supply 12.3
12.0 AC - 15998 Immunizations Practice is selecting "Patient has had infection" under the Clinical Decision Support Button- Immunizations & Shots in the Most Recent Encounter and State is receiving when exported 12.3
12.0 AC - 16026 UpToDate UpToDate Clinical Decision Support Search Page - Update to use webview2 12.3
12.0 AC - 16047 ePrescribing Pharmacy Requests counter not calculating properly 12.3