By Default, when a new user is added to Amazing Charts, a schedule is not created automatically and will need to be added manually. This can be done within the “Administrator Options” of Amazing Charts.
***Before any changes are made to the schedule, a backup of the Amazing Charts database should be made in the event of any errors that may come up during its creation such as a power outage in your office or an unexpected system reboot of the PC being used that may cause data loss.***
On the main screen of Amazing Charts, click "View" -> "Administrator Options" and enter the ADMIN password when prompted.
Click “Scheduling (Setup/Edit)”.
Click the “Provider” dropdown and select the user who needs the new schedule.
By default, the new schedule will be created for a period of two years. This can be changed by setting the dates for the "Start Date" and "Through" boxes if you want to extend the schedule past the two year default or change the start date when the schedule will show within Amazing Charts.
Click the drop down labeled “Start Time” next to the days needed for the new schedule and select the appropriate time for the FIRST bookable appointment time. Select the value “Off” for any days you may be closed or do not need a bookable schedule for the user.
Click the drop down labeled “End Time” next to the days needed for the new schedule and select the appropriate time for the LAST bookable appointment time. Select the value “Off” for any days needed.
If you wish to set a break time for the user on the new schedule, select the “Break Start” value for the appropriate time and select a value for the “Break Duration”.
NOTE: When a break is added to the schedule, you will still be able to book appointments for those times. This is primarily used to alert anyone booking appointments of times where the user should not be booked for any appointments. Break times are not required to add a schedule and are optional depending on the needs of your practice.
Once all the fields are populated, verify that all the values listed are correct then click “Add Schedule” to generate the new schedule. This process may take some time depending on how long the schedule duration is set for.
Click “OK” when prompted and you can close out of the scheduling window. Each user will need to log out and log back into Amazing Charts on their computers for the changes to take effect and the new schedule to be visible.