How To Reset a Forgotten Password

These are the steps to reset an Amazing Charts user account password that is either locked or forgotten.

* Only a practice administrator can access the User Account area to reset a forgotten or locked password. You will need to know the Admin Password to access this area. If you are not a practice administrator, please see your practice administrator to reset your password.

  1. From the Schedule screen, click on View in the toolbar at the top of the window.
  2. Click on the option for Administrator Options from the dropdown.
  3. Enter your Admin Password in the designated field and then click the Log In button.
  4. In the Admin Options screen, click on the box labelled User Account & Security.
  5. In the User Account & Security window, click on the option to Edit an Existing User under the cartoon of 2 people located on the pane on the left side of the window. 
  6. Use the dropdown arrow for the Pick A User To Edit field at the top of the window to find the Name of the Person who needs their password reset.
  7. If the Lock-Out box is checked (yellow arrow shown) click in the box to uncheck it and click the Reset Password button (red arrow shown).
    * If the Lock-Out box is not checked, skip to only clicking the Reset Password button.
  8. You should receive the message below. Click the OK button.
  9. Enter a temporary password into the Select a Password field.
  10. Click the Save Info button.
  11. Have the User sign in with the Temporary Password and then change to a secure password at log-in.