Sometimes a Lab or Radiology vendor will send patient results that can the following error message to appear in the Amazing Charts inbox.
This is caused when the patient demographic data sent from the vendor does not have an exact match with the patients current in Amazing Charts. When this occurs, the files will need to be manually imported and then matched to the correct patient in Amazing Charts.
To Manually import the files:
On the main screen of Amazing Charts, click “File -> Import/Export -> Labs and Radiology”
For each of the results that need to be match you have the option to search your existing patients for the correct match or add the patient as a new patient in Amazing Charts.
To search your existing patient list, click in the “Find a patient” box and type the patient's name. You can then select the correct patient from the list.
Once select, click “Import Lab”
To add the patient as a new patient, click the box labeled “Add as New Patient” and click “Import Lab”.
The patient will then be added as a new patient in your database with the demographic data sent by the vendor.